Welcome to A Little Bit of Heaven on Earth and a Little Bit of Chaos Mixed in!!

I am not good at Blogging, and you probably have already noticed, but I love to share my Family with all who are interested in hearing what is going on in our lives! Some may bore you, hopefully some will make you laugh! My intention is to provide a ray of sunshine in your lives by sharing all the SUNSHINE that is in MY life! So, enjoy and if you have suggestions for a better blog, by all means, suggest away!! Love you all, Noma and her FAMILY NEWS

Monday, June 15, 2009

Grandchildren playing Sports!!

Aiden and Chase are now playing T-Ball and are on the "A's" Team and it is so much fun to watch these t-ball teams play!! When in the field, the boys like to play with the dirt, you know...throwing it in the air, just being boys, the ball will get hit by the other team and come rolling right by Aiden and Chase and they just continue playing in the dirt!! May I add that they are the 'youngest' on the team!! It is a blast to watch them hit the ball and then run. When Chase hits the ball, he has to make sure that we all see he has hit the ball then he runs to first base! Then Aiden is up next and he hits the ball after about three tries, hey...he hit the ball on the first try a couple times...he is getting better!! Well...it is fun when they run into 'home' plate...Chase runs in and 'jumps' on the plate and stands there and looks at 'us...his family' to make sure we saw him and we cheer for him!! The Aiden runs to third...his arms flailing all around and his feet doing the same then it is his turn to run to 'home plate' and he does the same...not in any hurry to get there!! They are a riot to watch and I could watch them all day, every day!!

Then we got to watch Luke playing 'Coach Pitch' Baseball!! He, of course, gets to practice with the Coach a LOT since the Coach is his Dad, Dennis, Jr. He is a very good player. He should have gotten a "HOME Run" but he only got to run to first base because they don't get to run all the bases yet I guess! He is very good in the outfield also!! He looks and acts like a real ball player...hmmmm...could I be a little biased?? Ya think?? No...not at all!! lol I'm just a Grandma after all, watching one of the BEST players on the field of 'Coach Pitch' Players!! I LOVE to watch my Grandchildren play in sports!!

We also got to watch Madison play in her Soccer games and talk about ADORABLE!! SHE had to have been the CUTEST SOCCER PLAYER on the field!! She had a PINK BOW in her hair, PINK SOCKS, PINK SOCCER BALL and about the CUTEST FACE of ALL!! I hope the scouts for College were there because how could they resist this player?? They couldn't!!

1 comment:

Cindi said...

Ummmmm... you sound like a proud Grandma. ;)