Welcome to A Little Bit of Heaven on Earth and a Little Bit of Chaos Mixed in!!

I am not good at Blogging, and you probably have already noticed, but I love to share my Family with all who are interested in hearing what is going on in our lives! Some may bore you, hopefully some will make you laugh! My intention is to provide a ray of sunshine in your lives by sharing all the SUNSHINE that is in MY life! So, enjoy and if you have suggestions for a better blog, by all means, suggest away!! Love you all, Noma and her FAMILY NEWS

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cindi, Aiden and Chase came to get me today to go walkng around Prospect Lake and I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I heard them outside the door and Chase said: "Where is Granma?? What is she thinking? We gotta go walking!!" Those boys can turn a really 'crummy' day into a day of 'sunshine' because they are such sweet, loving, tenderhearted boys!! Cindi...you are a wonderful Mom and you are doing an AMAZING job raising your boys!!! I love you all, Mom and Grandma

1 comment:

Cindi said...

Thanks Mom! I guess you taught me well.